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How To Get Started:  

eCuppStores Marketplace Merchant Program is an eCommerce Center 

providing merchants with online marketing of their products.

Merchants have full control of their operations including adding,

editing, and deleting products.  Merchants can also use the full marketing

resource of eCupp.com to promote the selling of their own products

and leverage sales.  When visitors purchase merchant goods, the merchant

gets paid.  eCupp.com also provides tracking and reporting systems to help

merchants manage their business.  Yes!  I want to become a Seller/Partner

Buying& Selling on Ecupp Marketplace  

Selling your products on eCupp Marketplace is the quickest.

and most economical way for sellers to get paid.

Buyers can purchase your product/s with ease on

eCupp Marketplace, ensuring quick delivery and repeat.



Marketplace is very flexible in functionality and works very well for sellers. Your products are separated into your own collection with separate seller feedback support and ratings. This system also contains the custom shipping feature, where partner can add their own shipping rate according to shipping region and weight of the product. The customer can view the details of seller profile and can add feedback for seller based on their product.



    • Each seller has a separate seller profile page & can edit their profile page on their own.
    • Seller can add banner, shop logo custom HTML text and also customize store as per any color theme.
    • Feedback and review system with an interactive star rating.
    • Seller will have own dashboard to manage orders.
    • Seller can add Simple and Downloadable product.
    • Sellers can track their income, total order, total buyers, and latest order using dashboard
    • Supports the Multi-Lingual feature.
    • Seller can change order status of each product.

The customer can checkout with multiple sellers product at the same time.

How to Sell - Inviting Friends & Families

Sending  & Sharing Your Account Text Links/ Image Links

  1. Meeting & Events
  2. Referrals
  3. Sending  & Sharing Your Account Text Links/ email links.
  4. Coupons discount offers
  5. Cash backs/Points
  6. VIP Affiliate Membership

Associate/ Affiliate Program

eCupp affiliate program is free and enables members to earn revenue by placing a link or links on their web site which advertises eCupp or specific products on it. Any sales made to customers who have clicked on those links will earn the affiliate commission. The standard commission rate is currently 5%. before volume upgrades.

Don't have a Website or your own products?

Yes, I still want to make money.  Get started. Become an Affiliate/AssociateSign Up Here:  

Getting Paid - Recognition & Rewards:

Want To Be A Sales Consultant? 

Our Sales Agent system helps you connect store orders as Sales Agent / Associate/ consultant or Business Developer.

So when orders are made it can be identified which Sales Agent /Associate/ consultant or Business Developer made each order.

We add commissions by percentage for each Sales Agent / Associate/ consultant or Business Developer. The commission is calculated automatically with each order made. Contact Us.

How To Achieve & Advance - Start Selling   

Building trust and loyalty is the only way to achieve your goals at ecupp.com.   Hard work alone will not bring you a fortune. You must chart your path as a confidence builder, someone who is dependable and reliable.  People will appreciate your candidness and truthfulness even if it's an inconvenience to them.  Be on the lookout for Twisters and Dream Killers who will distract you from your goals.  Keep focus and avoid mediocrity.  Remember your dream!  Selling is the Grand Avenue for big accomplishment.

Your quest for funding your family needs, buying a great looking automobile, vacationing, or changing your neighborhood can happen.  All great things take vision and a small first step. 

Success doesn't come by accident. You must study, believe, and act to receive it. Be proactive! Challenge yourself to build a new sustainable future. 

Yes,  I want to build a Fortune!     or  Visit your Profile {New Seller}

Dream Big!  Give yourself a reason to succeed.  Set goals and start with an action plan to achieve your objectives.  You should commit yourself to do what it takes thorough the planning and execution of the tasks necessary to achieve your goals. " Study, Practice, Repeat". This will create successful habits that will make you a winner.  In order to stimulate the power within, you must first have a goal, then commit yourself to personal success through action.
Yes,  I want to build a Fortune!  Start Here >>>>

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